Independent Robot Test
Axis 1 vs. Face Balanced Putters
Axis1 offers the first 100% perfectly balanced putters in the game. Because Axis1 putters are perfectly balanced, they don’t naturally open-up, resulting in more on-line putts and lower scores. We accomplished this special feat by pushing the weight forward with a patented heel counterweight that, for the very first time, places the center of gravity right on the center of the striking face and perfectly aligned with the axis of the shaft. Considering how often you pull out your putter, shouldn’t you use the one uniquely engineered to give you the best chance to make each and every putt?

Try this with your putter
1.) Grab your putter and address a ball
2.)Remove your right hand (if a righty) and softly support the club halfway down the shaft with an opened hand
3.) Gently release the pressure of your left hand
4.)See what happens?
The club face automatically opens up, which results in trouble; pushed putts, off-line putts and ultimately higher scores. The problem is your putter, like every other putter, is not perfectly balanced, because the center of gravity is not on the sweet spot of the club face and aligned with the axis of the shaft. But then again there is only one putter that provides that.

With an Axis1 putter

If you did the same drill with an Axis1 putter you'd witness a much different result. The clubface would never open up. Never. Even with a relaxed grip, the Axis1 clubface remains on-line and on-target. Again, no other putter can do that. Because no other putter has the center of gravity right on the sweet spot of the clubface and perfectly aligned with the axis of the shaft.